
Monday, September 30, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: Three compatible chords

So, you want to be a singer and need some guitar chords to get started?
The first three chords I learned were D, G, and A7.
First, learn the D chord,
then the A7
and then the G chord
or learn whichever chord of the three you want to do first!
It won't take a lot of time, and you will feel great!
Then you are well on your way to singing and playing many, many songs.
Check out this resource for your favorite songs.
They allow you to transpose your favorite songs into the key of D, or any other key.

Keep singing,

Amy Zents
PS. "The day you open your mind to music, you're halfway to opening your mind to life." - Pete Townsend

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: You Gotta Start Somewhere

Happy National Coffee Day!
Here is a video you will find funny for budding shy singers who want to learn to play guitar. A HOW NOT TO, instead of a HOW TO! :-)

 Keep singing! Amy Zents

"The beginning is always today." -Mary Shelley

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: When you want to learn chords, don't just learn three.

Music is like nature and it is made up of many colors

When you decide to learn to play chords, consider your ears. Your musical ears. Here is a link to explanations of chords and how they are comprised. Learn to differentiate between the variety of chords and how the tones are expressed. Learn to understand how chords are built and all they can do to embellish your music. Jazz is a very popular genre of music because it stretches the limits of how chords are used.
Enjoy and use your talent as a force for creativity and not boring sameness!!!
You will enjoy this page very much on formulating chords! Have at it Shy Singer and be ahead of the rest!

Keep Singing!

Amy Zents

PS. "Nothing is pleasant that is not spiced with variety." -Francis Bacon

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: Accompany Yourself on the Guitar

Singers can and should collaborate with other musicians. However, since the singer may be shy, or for a multitude of other reasons, from fear of socializing, to lack of resources, this may not always be possible.
So, I have devised an easy solution. Pick up a guitar and learn to play and write your own songs!
I purchased my Recording King Acoustic (see above) at for under $200.
I see they don't seem to carry my crazy-sexy guitar there anymore, but you can find a comparable one of good quality for a reasonable price.
Today, we touch on Step One. Find a guitar.

Keep singing!

Amy Zents

"I love the subtle range and tonal range of the acoustic guitar." - Dan Fogelberg

Friday, September 27, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: Parrot Cover Songs Legally

If you plan to "parrot" a cover song, you should cover your bases with information about copyright first

Hi there,
One of the most controversial and interesting topics for singers is singing cover songs. One great link I found in looking around for information on cover songs and copyright law was in this blog:

So, be wise. If you want to sing covers, great. Just keep in mind, to market them you will probably need permission.

Keep singing,

Amy Zents

PS. "Being a cover artist is not like being a real artist. That's just copying what someone else did." - Sebastian Bach

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: Whose equipment is this?

                            Don't play with fire; Label and care for your equipment!

I would like to start off this blog with a little information on equipment and then move on to talk about why you need to label your equipment, and protect and care for it.
When you start off with your performing career, you may think that an amp, a mic and a music stand is all you need to succeed. Well, let me tell you of one great resource I have found where you can get pretty good equipment for a reasonable price. The place is called, "Musician's Friend."
Here are some things I have bought there.
You can buy a cheaper version for $49.99 sans switch.
I got a cute Peavey Sound system with speakers and inputs.
It is reasonable priced at $399.99 and has free shipping!
Use it in places that are more intimate.
The bigger the place, the bigger the speakers you will need.
Take care of your equipment. Label your equipment.
Don't let people rob you of your equipment. Keep it marked and labeled.
Most of all, don't leave the door of your pick-up bed open to let your
equipment slide out.
We left the back door of our pick-up bed down and, in an after-thought before we left I wrapped up our sound board in a dog quilt I had. The thick quilt had enough grip to keep the sound control board from slipping out the back. Days later, I heard on the radio about a musician who was offering a reward for
his expensive concertina that slipped off the back of his truck because he forgot to put up the back pick-up bed door and it slipped off.
Indeed,, we were very lucky because I thought to wrap the control board in the quilt!
Here is another video with great advice on how to pack instruments in your vehicle.
I love the idea of a U.S. Marine sticker on your car to prevent thefts! :-)

Keep singing,

Amy Zents

P.S. There's never enough of the stuff you can't get enough of." - Patrick Boyle

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: Jangled Nerves and Butterflies Could Be A Sign

It's easier to perform with a partner than alone

So you are about to perform and you are shy, and really, really nervous. What's a singer to do?
I think the best thing you should do is PRACTICE PAUSING. What this means is, take a moment or two to breathe deeply, and calm down.
Try to get to the gig early. Gauge your audience. Is it big or is it small? Or in between?
Also, get to know the space you will be performing in.
Look the way you want to look. Present your image at it's best. You be in control.
You will love being the centre of attention. I guarantee it. You just need some help to get going.
Unless you are playing for an audience of jealous contemporaries, your audience wants you to win!
So, if you've rehearsed enough, and you've made enough progress to be engaged at a gig, it's time to get on with the show!
Don't let jangled nerves and butterflies be a sign that you are ill-prepared and don't know what the heck you are doing.
If that is the case, then stay home!
If you are only nervous because you are afraid to perform in public, well then, that is a horse of a different color.
You can do it, and with the experience you got in doing it, the next time it will be easier.
Remember, you are doing it for the love of the music. Try not to be so SELF-conscious. In fact, studies show people who are shy are often perceived as being SELFISH!
We know that is not really the case. So, swallow your pride and show them what you've got!
I'm smiling and cheering for you! :-)

Keep singing,

Amy Zents

PS. 'Faint heart never won fair lady!'" - Ancient Proverb

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singers Series: Superstars Keeping the beat

                                                 To be a Superstar, you gotta keep the beat!

Today I was watching this guy on Stan Lee's Superhumans TV Show.
If you are interested in becoming a great singer, here is one vital tip. Learn to keep the beat!
If you can also beatbox with your vocalis muscles, GOOD ON YOU!
What I do, besides collaborating with great musicians who keep perfect time, is rehearse with a metronome.
I also stomp a leg. If that is what helps you FEEL it, then stomp that foot.

Keep Singing,
Amy Zents

“Music creates order out of chaos: for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous.”
- Yehudi Menuhin

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: Value of Humming

A good singer will resonate freely when singing. Why? It prevents tension from building in the throat and supports good tone, among other reasons. If you want to project your voice try humming. Feel it from your nose to your toes! Use that barrel-chested, sternum and diaphragmatic breathing to sound off!
MMMM and NNNN and NG and NANG are all good vocal exercises.

Keep Singing!

Musically yours,

Amy Zents

P.S.  "When you use natural instruments, they have natural resonance." -John Cale

Shy Singer Amy Zents License Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: A Hidden Mistake Most Amateur Singers Make

                                            Breathe in, Sing out, and Don't strain your voice

Today I am going to address the hidden mistake most amateur singers make.What I mean when I write "hidden" is that most amateur singers are often unconscious of this error. It has to do with the singing tone. In my last blog I wrote about intonation, or singing in tune. You want to sing in tune, to train your ears to be able to carry a tune. It goes without saying a good singer can carry a tune.
Today we are addressing your singing tone.
A good singer is not stuck in head voice where all the sound is emitting from the head and throat. A good singer incorporates unified registers of both head and chest voice, a blending of the resonators of the head and chest areas for a full and energetic tone.
This is especially true when singing in the oh-so-popular belting style that most pop and country, and of course, musical theatre singers sing in today.
So, don't rely only on your throat when you sing. Use your entire instrument. You are a wind instrument.
Toot your horn and don't hold back!
If you sing like a baby with a light head voice you are not doomed to that singing style alone.
Exercise your voice daily. Build your tone. Breath in and sustain your tone.
The art of "Bel canto" or the art of "beautiful singing" is based on diaphragmatic singing, or singing from your diaphragm.
In with the good air, out with the bad air!
Good singing also means articulating words in a way people can understand them, and using the larynx and pharynx in projecting your voice out. Sing out, don't strain, and you'll shine!

                                                         Shine on Singer, Shine On!

Keep Singing!

Amy Zents

P.S. "Courage is resistance to fear, the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear."  -  Mark Twain

Shy Singer Amy Zents License Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: Singing in Tune

                                            Tune up your singing or be very afraid!!! :-)

I hope you are enjoying my blog. It is to educate and inspire us to become a happy well-paid and successful singers.
Today we are talking about tuning up your voice for great singing!
Let's find our tonal center ("centre"..for Canadians like me!)
Here is the script:
Practice with the chromatic (1/2 step Major Scale.)

Minor second
Major second
Minor third
Major third
Perfect fourth
Perfect fifth
Minor sixth
Major sixth
Minor seventh
Major seventh

Then reverse the process and come down the chromatic scale again!
Some people advise not to use a keyboard when training your ears! I disagree.
You should find a keyboard that is in tune and daily tune with it!

                                                Singing was as popular then as it is today!

Keep Singing!
Amy Zents

P.S. "You are never too old to set another goal, or dream another dream." - C.S. Lewis

Shy Singer Amy Zents License Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: How to Practice

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." - Norman V. Peale

I am not a big believer in marathon vocal sessions. You don't want to tire your voice. It is vital however, to do vocal warm-ups. There are many available online.

Here is one I suggest:

Reserve anywhere from 20 min. to an hour to daily singing practice.
I also suggest if you want to build your lung capacity you blow up a balloon, and incorporate some aerobic exercise into your daily plan.

                               "Don't be a run of the mill person: Find your passion and follow it.
                                     That is the key to perpetual bliss!" (Quote by Amy Zents)

Keep Singing!
Amy Zents

P.S. "If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into some else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much!" - Jim Rohn

Shy Singer Amy Zents License Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: 7 Suggestions for The Day of Your Gig

                                            Today You May Be Feeling Nervous and Up In The Air

“Don't worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright” - Bob Marley

So, the day of the gig has arrived. You were able to connect with a paying (or volunteer) gig.
Now, it's time to think about the number one thing that matters as a singer: PUBLIC RELATIONS.
Yes, it is good to have talent. Yes, it is good to have a gift. What matters is that you've rehearsed enough to make good music, and your audience is going to be uplifted and entertained, and you, my dear singer, will have the chance to strut your stuff!
OK. You get to the gig a half hour or so in advance, and you have all your stuff.
You may find the staff may not even have a clue you are coming. Don't ask me why.
Changeover of staff is a frequent thing in Assisted Living/Retirement Faciltiy/Nursing Homes.

1.  Just go to the front desk and ask where you need to go to set up for performing your music.
Someone will direct you. If you need a cart to haul your gear in, they will help.
Put a friendly smile on your face, think "SERVICE FIRST."
You are a servant of them today and you will one day be in a similar position (aged) so think how you want to be treated.
Be nice to all, wave and be calm. You won't be calm. You will be scared.
Yes, you are a shy singer. You are nervous. You are feeling giddy and afraid. Don't be. I've got your back. I've been there. 
2. Tell yourself, "I can do it." Tell yourself, "It's going to be FUN!" Tell yourself,"They are going to like me, and I like them!' True, many will not pay close attention, and may even fall asleep. Some will walk or wheel themselves away because they feel like it. But, trust me, the majority will stay.
Never focus on the few who may seem like party-poopers, focus on the ones who want to sing along with you or else have an attentive expression.
3.  One other fact: You are also singing for the staff. The employees who care for the retirees.
Many are young, cute and upbeat. Many are your peers.
So, as you set up and have questions about outlets or you need a glass of water, or even when and how, or who will pay you, take a huge breath and let it out slowly (without fainting) and face the music.
4. Hopefully, you won't have to do the gig alone. Although, you probably may have to if you are shy and don't have too many supporters yet.
If you have a buffer, a fellow musician, or a friendly face to come along for moral support, that is great.
Yet, you need to bite the bullet and be strong. People love singers. They will love you.
5 One other little suggestion, if I may. Sing UPBEAT SONGS. A ballad or two is OK. All ballads? The masses may start to complain. So, wake them up with songs that are cheerful, upbeat, familiar and fun.
6. Don't go overtime. 
7. Once you get started, the audience clapping will enliven you. You will be changed.
You overcame a hurdle in life. You are a stronger person.
When you are driving home, your heart will be lighter. You  will also have made a number of people's day a whole lot brighter!

                                                         A virtual bouquet for all you did today!

Next time, we will address daily practice. How do I practice?
Keep Singing!

Shy Singer Amy Zents

P.S. Confucious say: "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."

Shy Singer Amy Zents License Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Amy Zents Shy Singer Series: 7 Steps to Getting a Paying Gig.

                                            No flowers for the singer if the singer don't sing!

There is a captive audience just waiting for you, my fellow shy singer, to come out and sing for them. In today's post I will give you 7 steps to getting a paying gig.
Step 1:  Create a set list.
List 17 songs you like to sing. Can you or a friend play an instrument? If so, rehearse with accompaniment. Are you on your own and just love to sing but can't play a note? Then get a boom box and a bunch of your favorite Karaoke CD's. Your best bet is to burn all your favorite tracks onto one disc and just sing the songs in succession.
Step 2: Once you have your music and your songs, do your darndest to memorize it. If you can't, you can't. Some people's brains just can't memorize and that's that. So, what to do? Bring a music stand and a binder full of words and if necessary, guitar chords, or sheet music (depending on what you need.)
The benefits of memorization are: increased showmanship, a confidence that connects you to your audience and a lot of passion in your singing. You know, if you know the words, you can emote better. You know where you are going in the song!
Step 3: Now it goes without mentioning you gotta look and feel your best. So, plan on wearing a nice outfit, fixing your hair, and making yourself look like a star!
Step 4: Plan to bring along a mic, mic chord, and mic stand and an amplifier. Usually, you can work with an in-house sound system, but trust me, that can be risky. Using your own gear is best. You know how to use it.
Now comes the hard part.
Step 5: Look for the phone number of a local Assisted Living/Retirement Home/Nursing Home. Ask politely to speak to the Activities/Program Director. Ask nicely.  Here is your script:
"Hello, my name is ----. I am a singer who would love to come sing at your ------   Assisted Living/Retirement Home/Nursing Home. Is it possible you could direct me to the person in charge of Activities?" ("Sure, let me hook you up," the receptionist may reply, though not in those cool terms.)
Step 6: Talk to the person in charge of activities.
"Hello, my name is ----. I am a singer who would love to come sing at your ------   Assisted Living/Retirement Home/Nursing Home." ("Wonderful!" says the AD.)
Now it is up to you to do the gut-wrenching thing. Ask this:
"Do you have a budget for entertainment?" ("Yes we do.") Now, hopefully, they may offer you something like $50.   But usually they will ask, ("How much would you want?)
Now is the time to realize 2 things:
1. THIS IS NOT A BAR GIG--it is a mini-concert. 45-60 min of all you.
2. Assisted Living/Retirement Home/Nursing Homes only have a limited activities budget.
So you reply, "Well, is $25 bucks OK?  (If you feel compelled to add, "Just to cover necessary expense, time and travel. Is that OK?")
"That is fine!" will probably be the most likely reply, or else, they may say, "No, sorry, people come and play voluntarily for free here!"
Now it is up to you.
Step 7: Either accept or decline the gig. If you accept, find a date and time agreeable to you both, and mark the time and date on your calender.

In this video Amy Zents asks the group to "GET READY TO SING!"

Next time we will cover how to act and what to do on gig day!

Keep singing!
Amy Zents

P.S. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever: it’s loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.”   John Keats

Shy Singer Amy Zents License Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.